The Paseo is a festival dedicated to bringing the art of installation, performance and projection to the streets of Taos, New Mexico.
Occurring in collaboration with Taos Fall Arts Festival, The Paseo unites the 2014 fall arts venues, creating a new platform for the public display of art within the Taos Historic District.
Core Ethos
Creating a platform for art that is: experimental, time-based, ephemeral, participatory, and context responsive
Encouraging a conversation on contemporary art practices; local and global
Engaging the local community through education, workshops, and presentations
Challenging art and audience: local and global
Supporting local artists and businesses; emergent and established
Respecting art making
More Info:
‘The Paseo’ to Feature Multimedia Outdoor Art Installations During Taos Fall Arts Fest, Sept. 26, PRWeb, Sept. 11, 2014
Matt Thomas on “The Paseo,” Video by The Taos News, September 7th, 2014
Occupy Taos with Art, Taos News, August 7th, 2014
KRZA Radio Interview with Director Matt Thomas, July 3rd, 2014
“The Paseo is Coming”, LIVE TAOS, June 19th, 2014
“Taos Fall Arts project turns to crowd-funding”, Taos News, June 18th, 2014
“Forty and Fabulous, Taos Arts Fest shakes things up”, Trend Magazine, Summer 2014